School of Mathematics and Statistics,NENU
Personal Particulars
School of Mathematics and Statistics,NENU
Personal Particulars
范猛 教授
1. 王克,范猛. 泛函微分方程的相空间理论及应用[专著]. 科学出版社. 2009-04-01.
2. 李佐锋,范猛. 数学建模[教材]. 中央广播电视大学出版社. 2003-12-01.
2. 李佐锋,范猛. 数学建模[教材]. 中央广播电视大学出版社. 2003-12-01.
1. 范猛,荣鑫淼,杨柳. H7N9动力学模型仿真. 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(资助金额:20万元). 执行时间:2018-01-01至2018-10-31.
2. 范猛,荣鑫淼,周林华. 包虫病动力学模型分析与数值仿真. 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(资助金额:6万元). 执行时间:2017-09-01至2018-08-31.
3. 范猛,李晓月,吴奋韬,王静,袁岗华,陈明,谢丛波,王新,宋达,荣鑫淼. 水母暴发形成机制与生态效应的模型研究. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:48万元). 执行时间:2017-01-01至2020-12-31.
4. 范猛,荣鑫淼. 包虫病动力学研究. 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(资助金额:5万元). 执行时间:2016-01-01至2016-12-01.
5. 范猛. 包虫病动力学建模. 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(资助金额:3万元). 执行时间:2015-11-01至2016-04-01.
6. 范猛. 非线性动力学系统. 吉林省教育厅(资助金额:100万元). 执行时间:2015-01-01至2017-12-01.
7. 范猛,李晓月,王静,张伟鹏,曾志军,王新,郝丽娜,陈明. 非自治动力系统的广义非一致二分性. 教育部(资助金额:12万元). 执行时间:2014-01-01至2016-12-01.
8. 范猛,张伟鹏,曾志军,徐英祥,袁岗华,夏治南,谢丛波,郝丽娜,余绍江,陈明. 蓝藻水华发生机制、生态效应与控制机理的模型研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:60.0万元). 执行时间:2013-01-01至2016-12-01.
9. 郭建华,史宁中,白志东,张宝学,高巍,陶剑,蒋达清,范猛,滕建州,孔俊. 数据驱动的应用统计方法研究. 教育部(资助金额:300.0万元). 执行时间:2011-01-01至2013-12-01.
10. 曾志军,范猛,张伟鹏,柳絮,孙佳宁,张继民. 达尔文动力学系统的能控性和稳定性. 教育部(资助金额:3.6万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2012-12-01.
11. 范猛,王静,徐英祥,张伟鹏,曾志军,张继民,夏治南,郝丽娜. 蓝藻水华爆发的数学模型及动力学研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:26万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2012-12-01.
12. 范猛,王静,吴奋韬,李晓月,徐英祥,张伟鹏,曾志军,高忆先. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-08-0755). 教育部(资助金额:50万元). 执行时间:2009-01-01至2011-12-01.
13. 张伟鹏,范猛,王静,张继民,周林华. 高维系统中的高余维双同宿环分支理论. 教育部(资助金额:3.6万元). 执行时间:2009-01-01至2011-12-01.
14. 史宁中,蒋达清,潘家齐,范猛,李晓月,刘振文,于佳佳,张继民. 随机微分方程中的参数估计问题. 教育部(资助金额:6万元). 执行时间:2008-01-01至2010-12-01.
15. 范猛,潘家齐,吴奋韬,王静,李晓月,徐英祥,魏凤英,张继民. 时标动力学方程若干问题的研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:24万元). 执行时间:2007-01-01至2009-12-01.
16. 范猛,潘家齐,吴奋韬,王静,李晓月,张晓颖,毕丽,张继民,隋光宇. 时标动力学方程的周期性. 教育部(资助金额:6万元). 执行时间:2006-01-01至2008-12-01.
17. 范猛,王静,张继民,毕丽,隋光宇,倪铁. 泛函微分方程的伪概周期性. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(资助金额:2万元). 执行时间:2005-10-01至2007-10-01.
18. 范猛,王克,张入元,柏灵,王静. 常微分方程的伪概周期性及应用. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10.5万元). 执行时间:2003-01-01至2005-12-01.
19. 范猛,王克,叶丹,张伟鹏. 微分方程的伪概周解理论及其应用. 吉林省科技厅(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2002-06-01至2005-09-01.
20. 王克,黄启昌,潘家齐,蒋达清,范猛. 可积系统的时滞扰动理论. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:15.5万元). 执行时间:2002-01-01至2004-12-01.
21. 王克,范猛,王茜,李鹤,熊友兵. 微分方程、差分方程的周期解与概周期解理论及应用. 教育部(资助金额:7万元). 执行时间:2002-01-01至2004-12-01.
22. 范猛. 时滞微分方程周期解和概周期解理论及其应用. 校内自然科学青年基金(资助金额:1万元). 执行时间:2001-06-01至2002-12-01.
23. 王克,黄启昌,潘家齐,蒋达清,范猛. 时滞微分方程所确定的动力系统的研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:1999-01-01至2001-12-01.
24. 范猛,裴东河,潘家齐,李佐峰,李清. 高师数学专业本科生实践教学体系研究. 校内项目(资助金额:1万元). 立项时间:2007-12-29.
2. 范猛,荣鑫淼,周林华. 包虫病动力学模型分析与数值仿真. 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(资助金额:6万元). 执行时间:2017-09-01至2018-08-31.
3. 范猛,李晓月,吴奋韬,王静,袁岗华,陈明,谢丛波,王新,宋达,荣鑫淼. 水母暴发形成机制与生态效应的模型研究. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:48万元). 执行时间:2017-01-01至2020-12-31.
4. 范猛,荣鑫淼. 包虫病动力学研究. 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(资助金额:5万元). 执行时间:2016-01-01至2016-12-01.
5. 范猛. 包虫病动力学建模. 中国动物卫生与流行病学中心(资助金额:3万元). 执行时间:2015-11-01至2016-04-01.
6. 范猛. 非线性动力学系统. 吉林省教育厅(资助金额:100万元). 执行时间:2015-01-01至2017-12-01.
7. 范猛,李晓月,王静,张伟鹏,曾志军,王新,郝丽娜,陈明. 非自治动力系统的广义非一致二分性. 教育部(资助金额:12万元). 执行时间:2014-01-01至2016-12-01.
8. 范猛,张伟鹏,曾志军,徐英祥,袁岗华,夏治南,谢丛波,郝丽娜,余绍江,陈明. 蓝藻水华发生机制、生态效应与控制机理的模型研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:60.0万元). 执行时间:2013-01-01至2016-12-01.
9. 郭建华,史宁中,白志东,张宝学,高巍,陶剑,蒋达清,范猛,滕建州,孔俊. 数据驱动的应用统计方法研究. 教育部(资助金额:300.0万元). 执行时间:2011-01-01至2013-12-01.
10. 曾志军,范猛,张伟鹏,柳絮,孙佳宁,张继民. 达尔文动力学系统的能控性和稳定性. 教育部(资助金额:3.6万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2012-12-01.
11. 范猛,王静,徐英祥,张伟鹏,曾志军,张继民,夏治南,郝丽娜. 蓝藻水华爆发的数学模型及动力学研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:26万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2012-12-01.
12. 范猛,王静,吴奋韬,李晓月,徐英祥,张伟鹏,曾志军,高忆先. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-08-0755). 教育部(资助金额:50万元). 执行时间:2009-01-01至2011-12-01.
13. 张伟鹏,范猛,王静,张继民,周林华. 高维系统中的高余维双同宿环分支理论. 教育部(资助金额:3.6万元). 执行时间:2009-01-01至2011-12-01.
14. 史宁中,蒋达清,潘家齐,范猛,李晓月,刘振文,于佳佳,张继民. 随机微分方程中的参数估计问题. 教育部(资助金额:6万元). 执行时间:2008-01-01至2010-12-01.
15. 范猛,潘家齐,吴奋韬,王静,李晓月,徐英祥,魏凤英,张继民. 时标动力学方程若干问题的研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:24万元). 执行时间:2007-01-01至2009-12-01.
16. 范猛,潘家齐,吴奋韬,王静,李晓月,张晓颖,毕丽,张继民,隋光宇. 时标动力学方程的周期性. 教育部(资助金额:6万元). 执行时间:2006-01-01至2008-12-01.
17. 范猛,王静,张继民,毕丽,隋光宇,倪铁. 泛函微分方程的伪概周期性. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(资助金额:2万元). 执行时间:2005-10-01至2007-10-01.
18. 范猛,王克,张入元,柏灵,王静. 常微分方程的伪概周期性及应用. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10.5万元). 执行时间:2003-01-01至2005-12-01.
19. 范猛,王克,叶丹,张伟鹏. 微分方程的伪概周解理论及其应用. 吉林省科技厅(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2002-06-01至2005-09-01.
20. 王克,黄启昌,潘家齐,蒋达清,范猛. 可积系统的时滞扰动理论. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:15.5万元). 执行时间:2002-01-01至2004-12-01.
21. 王克,范猛,王茜,李鹤,熊友兵. 微分方程、差分方程的周期解与概周期解理论及应用. 教育部(资助金额:7万元). 执行时间:2002-01-01至2004-12-01.
22. 范猛. 时滞微分方程周期解和概周期解理论及其应用. 校内自然科学青年基金(资助金额:1万元). 执行时间:2001-06-01至2002-12-01.
23. 王克,黄启昌,潘家齐,蒋达清,范猛. 时滞微分方程所确定的动力系统的研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:1999-01-01至2001-12-01.
24. 范猛,裴东河,潘家齐,李佐峰,李清. 高师数学专业本科生实践教学体系研究. 校内项目(资助金额:1万元). 立项时间:2007-12-29.
1. 荣鑫淼,范猛,孙向东,王幼明,朱怀平. Impact of disposing stray dogs on risk assessment and control of Echinococcosis in Inner Mongolia. MATH BIOSCI(299卷85-96页). 2018-05-01.
2. 周林华,范猛,侯强,靳祯,孙向东. Transmission dynamics and optimal control of brucellosis in Inner Mongolia of China. MATH BIOSCI ENG(15卷2期543-567页). 2018-04-01.
3. 吴永宝,闫世涵,范猛,李文学. Stabilization of stochastic coupled systems with Markovian switching via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations. INT J ROBUST NONLIN(28卷1期247-265页). 2018-01-01.
4. 陈明,范猛,袁星,朱怀平. Effect of seasonal changing temperature on the growth of phytoplankton. MATH BIOSCI ENG(14卷5/6期1091-1117页). 2017-10-01.
5. 王新,范猛,郝丽娜. Adaptive evolution of body size subject to indirect effect in trophic cascade system. BIOSYSTEMS(159卷23-35页). 2017-09-01.
6. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Nonuniform (h,k,u,v)-dichotomy with applications to nonautonomous dynamical systems. J MATH ANAL APPL(452卷1期505-551页). 2017-08-01.
7. 陈明,范猛,况阳. Global dynamics in a stoichiometric food chain model with two limiting nutrients. MATH BIOSCI(289卷9-19页). 2017-04-18.
8. 温紫娟,范猛,AsimMAsiri,EbraheemOAlzahrani,MohamedMEl-Dessoky,况阳. Global existence and uniqueness of classical solutions for a generalized quasilinear parabolic equation with application to a Glioblastoma growth model. MATH BIOSCI ENG(14卷2期407-420页). 2017-04-01.
9. 刘蒙,范猛. Permanence of Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Systems. J NONLINEAR SCI(27卷2期425-452页). 2017-04-01.
10. 刘蒙,范猛. Stability in distribution of a three-species stochastic cascade predator-prey system with time delays. IMA J APPL MATH(82卷2期396-423页). 2017-04-01.
11. 李尚,范猛,荣鑫淼. Global threshold dynamics of SIQS epidemic model in time fluctuating environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMATHEMATICS(10卷4期1750060-1-22页). 2017-03-28.
12. 夏治南,范猛,RaviPAgarwal. Almost automorphic dynamics of generalized Lienard equation. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANALYSIS AND COMPUTATION(7卷1期20-38页). 2017-02-01.
13. 范猛,吴平,冯芷兰,RobertK.Swihart. Dynamics of Predator-Prey Metapopulations with Allee Effects. B MATH BIOL. 2016-08-01.
14. JosepLluisUso-Domenech,JosueAntonioNescolarde-Selva,MiguelLloret-Climent,范猛. Semiotic Open Complex Systems: Processes and Behaviors. COMPLEXITY. 2016-08-01.
15. 夏治南,范猛,RaviAgarwal. Pseudo almost automorphy of semilinear fractional differential equations in Banach spaces. FRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND APPLIED ANALYSIS. 2016-06-01.
16. Josue-AntonioNescolarde-Selva,Jose-LuisUso-Domenech,范猛. Transport of atmospheric pollutants in West Mediterranean areas: mathematical model. American Journal of Systems and Software. 2016-06-01.
17. Josué-AntonioNescolarde-Selva,Josep-LluisUsó-Doménech,MiguelLloret-Climent,范猛. Synonymy relationship and stochastic processes in determination of flow equations in ecological models. ECOL COMPLEX. 2016-05-01.
18. 吕东毓,范猛,YunKang,KrystalBlanco. Modeling Refuge Effect of Submerged Macrophytes in Lake System. B MATH BIOL. 2016-04-01.
19. 王新,范猛,郝丽娜. Adaptive evolution of foraging-related trait in intraguild predation system. MATH BIOSCI. 2016-02-01.
20. 陈明,范猛,刘锐,王小雨,袁星,朱怀平. The dynamics of temperature and light on the growth of phytoplankton. J THEOR BIOL. 2015-08-01.
21. 谢丛波,范猛,王新,陈明. Dynamic model for life history of Scyphozoa. PLOS ONE. 2015-06-01.
22. 郝丽娜,范猛,王新. Effects of nutrient enrichment on coevolution of a stoichiometric producer-grazer system. MATH BIOSCI ENG. 2014-08-01.
23. 张继民,范猛,常笑源. Parameter dependence of stable manifolds for nonuniform (u,v)-dichotomies. ACTA MATH SIN. 2013-06-01.
24. LuisBarreira,范猛,Claudiaalls,张继民. Stable manifolds for delay equations and parameter dependence. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2012-10-01.
25. 夏治南,范猛. Weighted Stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphy and applications. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2012-03-01.
26. LuisBarreira,范猛,ClaudiaValls,张继民. Parameter Dependence of Stable Manifolds for Delay Equations with Polynomial Dichotomies. J DYN DIFFER EQU. 2012-03-01.
27. 张继民,范猛. Boundedness and stability of semi-linear dynamic equations on time scales. Progress in Qualitative Theory of Functional Equations. 2012-03-01.
28. 周林华,范猛. Dynamics of an SIR epidemic model with limited medical resources revisited. NONLINEAR ANAL-REAL. 2012-02-01.
29. 张继民,范猛,常笑源. Nonlinear perturbations of nonuniform exponential dichotomy on measure chains. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2012-01-01.
30. 夏治南,范猛. A Massera type criterion for almost automorphy of nonautonomous boundary differential equations. ELECTRON J QUAL THEO. 2011-09-01.
31. 周林华,范猛,冯芷兰. Dynamics of a multigroup epidemiological model with group-targeted vaccination strategies. J THEOR BIOL. 2011-09-01.
32. LuisBarreira,范猛,ClaudiaValls,张继民. Robustness of nonuniform polynomial dichotomies for difference equations. TOPOL METHOD NONL AN. 2011-06-01.
33. JitsuroSugie,YasuhisaSaito,范猛. Global asymptotic stability for predator-prey systems whose prey receives time-variation of the environment. P AM MATH SOC. 2011-06-01.
34. 范猛,夏治南,朱怀平. Asymptotic stability of delay differential equations via fixed point theory and applications. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 2010-12-01.
35. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Necessary and sufficient criteria for the existence of exponential dichotomy on time scales. COMPUT MATH APPL. 2010-10-01.
36. 谢丛波,范猛,赵巍. Dynamics of a discrete stoichiometric two predators one prey model. J BIOL SYST. 2010-09-01.
37. LuisBarreira,范猛,ClaudiaValis,张继民. Invariant manifolds for impulsive equations and nonuniform polynomial dichotomies. J STAT PHYS. 2010-08-01.
38. 范猛,张冰冰,李毅. Mechanisms for stable coexistence in an insect community. MATH BIOSCI ENG. 2010-07-01.
39. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Periodic solution of single population models on time scales. MATH COMPUT MODEL. 2010-06-01.
40. 王岭,王德利,白玉光,黄月,范猛,刘鞠善,李冶兴. Spatially complex neighboring relationships among grassland plant species as an effective mechanism of defense against herbivory. OECOLOGIA. 2010-06-01.
41. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Existence and roughness of exponential dichotomies of linear dynamic equations on time scales. COMPUT MATH APPL. 2010-04-01.
42. 曾志军,范猛. Study on a non-autonomous predator–prey system with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response. MATH COMPUT MODEL. 2008-12-01.
43. 刘志军,范猛,陈兰荪. Globally asymptotic stability in two periodic delayed competitive systems. APPL MATH COMPUT. 2008-03-15.
44. 毕利,MartinBohner,范猛. Periodic solutions of functional dynamic equations with infinite delay. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2008-03-01.
45. 张冰冰,范猛. 关于应用重合度研究时标动力学方程周期解的注记. 东北师大学报(自然科学版). 2007-12-20.
46. MartinBohner,范猛,张继民. Periodicity of scalar dynamic equations and applications to population models. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2007-06-01.
47. 曾志军,毕利,范猛. Existence of multiple positive periodic solutions for functional differential equations. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2007-01-01.
48. 隋光宇,范猛,IraklyLoladze,YangKuang. The dynamics of a stoichiometric plant-herbivore model and its discrete analog. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING. 2007-01-01.
49. 李清,裴东河,范猛. 高师数学实践教学体系研究. 教学研究. 2006-12-01.
50. 王克,范猛,MichaelYLi. A massera theorem for quasi-linear partial differential equations of first order. ROCKY MT J MATH. 2006-11-01.
51. 王克,范猛. Permanence of predator-prey system of one predator and several preys with infinite delay. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 2006-10-01.
52. MartinBohner,范猛,张继民. Existence of periodic solutions in predator-prey and competition dynamic systems. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS. 2006-08-01.
53. JiminZhang,范猛,YangKuang. Rabbits killing birds revisited. MATH BIOSCI. 2006-03-01.
54. 叶丹,范猛. Periodicity in mutualism systems with impulse. TAIWAN J MATH. 2006-03-01.
55. 迪申加卜,范猛,王克. 具无限时滞中立型泛函微分方程解的稳定性与有界性. 数学物理学报. 2005-10-01.
56. 叶丹,范猛,王海燕. Periodic solutions for scalar functional differential equations. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2005-09-01.
57. 范猛,叶丹. Convergence dynamics and pseudo almost periodicity of a class of nonautonomous RFDEs with applications. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2005-09-01.
58. 范猛,Y.K.,Z.L.F.. Cats protecting birds revisited. B MATH BIOL. 2005-09-01.
59. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏. Periodic solutions of density dependent predator-prey systems with Holling Type 2 functional response and infinite delays. Z ANGEW MATH MECH. 2005-06-01.
60. 范猛,I.L.,Y.K.,J.J.E.. Dynamics of a stoichiometric discrete producer-grazer model. J DIFFER EQU APPL. 2005-04-01.
61. 范猛,王克,R.P.A.. Periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay. DYNAM CONT DIS SER A. 2005-01-01.
62. 王克,范猛. Necessary and Sufficient criteria for the uniqueness of Solutions to the IVPs of scalar autonomous ODEs. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2004-12-20.
63. 柏灵,范猛,王克. 具有比率型功能反应捕食-食饵差分系统周期解的存在性. 大学数学. 2004-12-01.
64. 叶丹,范猛. 具有脉冲的三种群捕食者-食饵链系统正周期解的存在性. 东北师大学报(自然科学版). 2004-12-01.
65. 叶丹,范猛. Periodicity in impulsive predator-prey system with holling ⅲ functional response. KODAI MATH.J. 2004-10-03.
66. 范猛,叶丹,PATRICIAJ.Y.WONG,RAVIP.AGARWAL. Periodicity in a class of non-autonomous scalar equations with deviating arguments and applications to population models. DYNAM SYST. 2004-09-01.
67. 柏灵,范猛,王克. 离散时间的互惠系统的正周期解的存在性. 生物数学学报. 2004-09-01.
68. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏. 一类具HollingⅡ型功能性反应的捕食者-食饵系统非平凡周期解的存在性. 工程数学学报. 2004-08-20.
69. 范猛,王茜. Periodic solutions of a class of nonautonomous discrete time semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey systems. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B. 2004-08-01.
70. 范猛,旷杨. Dynamics of a nonautonomous predator-prey system with the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2004-07-01.
71. 张伟鹏,范猛. Periodic solutions for a scalar integro-differential equation. INDIAN J PURE AP MAT. 2004-07-01.
72. 王克,范猛,RAVIP.AGARWAL,S.DONTHA. Basic theory of functional equations with infinite delay. FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 2004-06-20.
73. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏. 一类捕食者-食铒系统正周期解的存在性. 生物数学学报. 2004-06-20.
74. 张伟鹏,范猛,叶丹. 一类数学生物经济模型的周期性. 应用数学学报. 2004-05-20.
75. 范猛,邹幸福. Global asymptotic stability of a class of nonautonomous integro-differential systems and applications. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2004-04-20.
76. 范猛,叶丹,张伟鹏. Periodic solutions for a mutualism model governed by difference equation. Dynamic Systems and Applications. 2004-03-01.
77. 张伟鹏,范猛. Periodicity in a Generalized Ecological Competition System Governed by Impulsive Differential Equations with Delays. MATH COMPUT MODEL. 2004-02-20.
78. 柏灵,范猛,王克. Periodic solutions for a discrete time ratio-dependent two predator-one prey system. ANNALS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 2004-01-20.
79. 范猛,王克,PATRICIAJ.Y.WONG,RAVIP.AGARWAL. Periodicity and Stability in Periodic n-Species Lotka-Volterra Competition System with Feedback Controls and Deviating Arguments. ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA. 2003-10-01.
80. 张伟鹏,范猛. 一类积分微分方程正周期解的存在性. 沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2003-07-01.
81. 柏灵,范猛,王克. Existence of positive periodic solution for difference equations of three-species ratio-dependent predator-prey system. SOOCHOW FOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 2003-07-01.
82. 范猛,王克. Yoshizawa型周期解定理和Massera型周期解定理研究进展简介. 数学进展. 2003-06-01.
83. 王静,范猛,王克. 离散时间两种群竞争系统正周期解存在性. 生物数学学报. 2003-05-19.
84. 王克,范猛. 国民经济中的最优积累率. 数学的实践与认识. 2003-04-01.
85. 谢丛波,范猛. 种群服从Gompertz增长的数学生物经济模型的定性分析. 东北师大学报自然科学版. 2003-03-01.
86. 王倩,范猛,王克. Dynamics of a class of nonautonomous semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey systems with functional responses. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2003-01-01.
87. 范猛,王倩,邹幸福. Dynamics of a non-autonomous ratio-dependent predator-Prey system. Pro.of the Royal Soc. of Edin.. 2003-01-01.
88. 李晓月,柏灵,杨帆,范猛,王克. 离散的互惠生态系统的最优捕获策略. 生物数学学报. 2002-09-01.
89. 范猛,S.A. Periodic Solutions of Nonautonomous Discrete Predator-Prey System of Lotka-Volterra Type. Applicable Analysis. 2002-07-01.
90. 范猛,王克. Periodic Solutions of a Discrete Time Nonautonomous Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey System. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2002-07-01.
91. 范猛,S.A. Periodic Solutions for a Class of Discrete Time Competition Systems. Nonlinear Studies. 2002-07-01.
92. 王克,范猛,帅智圣. 一类经济网络中商品生产调运定价问题. 经济数学. 2002-07-01.
93. 范猛,王克. Periodicity in a "Food-limited"population model with toxicants and time delays. Acta mathematicae applicatae sinica. 2002-04-01.
94. 张晓颖,柏灵,范猛,王克. Existence of Positive Periodic Solution for Predator-Prey Difference System with Holling 3 Functional Response. Mathematica Applicata. 2002-03-01.
95. 李晓月,范猛,王克. 具反馈控制和无穷时滞单种群模型周期正解. 高校应用数学学报A辑. 2002-01-01.
96. 范猛,JiabuDishen,王倩,王克. Stability and boundedness of solutions of neutral functional defferential equation with finite delay. J.Math.Anal.Appl.. 2002-01-01.
97. 范猛,王克. 价格随供求变化的捕获问题. 生物数学学报. 2001-12-01.
98. 范猛,王克. Periodicity in a Delayed Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey System. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2001-10-01.
99. 范猛,王克. Global Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions of Periodic Predator-Prey System with Infinite Delays. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2001-10-01.
100. 范猛,王克. 一类具有Holling2型功能性反应的捕食者-食饵系统全局周期解的存在性. 数学物理学报. 2001-09-01.
101. 李晓波,王克,范猛,李宪高. 最小存活种群的确定与生物多样性保护. 东北师大学报自然科学版. 2001-09-01.
102. 范猛,李毅,王克. Global stability of an SEIS epidemic model with recruitment and a varying total population size. Mathematical Biosciences. 2001-06-01.
103. 蒋达清,范猛,阿英. A monotone method for constructing extremal solutions to second-order periodic boundary value problems. Journal fo Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2001-05-01.
104. 范猛,王克. 一类积分微分方程系统正周期解的存在性. 数学学报. 2001-05-01.
105. 范猛,王克. Study on harvested population with diffusional migration. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2001-04-01.
106. 范猛,王克. Positive Periodic Solutions of a Periodic Integro-differential Competition System with Infinite Delays. ZAMM.Z.Angew.Math.Mech. 2001-03-01.
107. 范猛,王克. 具有偏差变元的捕食者-食饵系统全局周期解的存在性. 应用数学学报. 2000-10-01.
108. 李清,王克,范猛. 广义Logistic模型的捕获优化问题. 生物数学学报. 2000-08-01.
109. 范猛,王克. Global pcriodic solutions of a generalized n-species Gilpin-Ayala competition model. Computers and Mathematics with Appl.. 2000-08-01.
110. 范猛,王克. Periodic solutions of convex neutral functional differential equations. TOHOKU MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL. 2000-08-01.
111. 范猛,王克. 具无限时滞线性中立型泛函微分方程周期解. 数学学报. 2000-07-01.
112. 王克,范猛. Positive periodic solutions of predator-prey systems with infinite delay. CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B. 2000-06-01.
113. 范猛,王克. 泛函微分方程的一类边值问题. 东北师大学报. 2000-06-01.
114. 范猛,王克,李明玉. Global stability of SEIR models with saturation incidence. PROCEEDINGS OF INTER CONFER ON DIFFER EQUATIONS AND COMPUTE SIMULATIONS. 2000-04-01.
115. 范猛,王克. 具有遗传效应单种群模型的正周期解. 应用数学. 2000-04-01.
116. 范猛,王克. 多物种生态竞争系统周期正解的存在性和全局吸引性. 数学学报. 2000-01-01.
117. 范猛,王克. 一致最终有界性与无限时滞泛函微分方程周期解. 系统科学与数学. 1999-07-01.
118. 范猛,王克,周毅. 具有临界退偿增长的生物种群的开发. 丹东师专学报. 1999-04-01.
119. 范猛,王克,蒋达清. Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions. Malhematical Biosciences. 1999-01-01.
120. 范猛,王克. 具有时滞中立型泛函数微分方程周期解. 科学通报. 1998-12-01.
121. 范猛,王克,张玉娟. 价格成本变化的具有退偿增长的生物种群的经济捕获模型. 生物数学学报. 1998-12-01.
122. 翁世有,高海音,王克,范猛. 互惠系统的捕获优化问题. 生物数学学报. 1998-12-01.
123. 范猛,王克,张树文. 具有退偿增长曲线的生物种群之研究. 生物数学学报. 1998-12-01.
124. 张树文,张玉娟,刘会民,杨启昌,范猛,王克. Cordon理论的改进与开放鱼场的可持续开发. 生物数学学报. 1998-10-01.
125. 张玉娟,刘会民,张树文,范猛,王克. 竞争系统的两个种群同时进行捕获的优化问题. 生物数学学报. 1998-10-01.
126. 刘会民,张树文,张玉娟,范猛,王克. 临界退偿系统的捕获优化问题. 生物数学学报. 1998-10-01.
127. 范猛,王克,李宪高. 容许空间对中解的有界性之间的等价关系. 广西教育学院学报. 1998-06-01.
128. 范猛,王克. 具有周期系数单种群最优捕获策略. 数学生物科学. 1998-01-01.
129. 范猛,王克. 艾滋病数学模型的建立与定性分析. 中日国际应用数学及其相关科学会议. 1998-01-01.
130. 范猛,王克. 具有多个时滞的线性自治微分方程的渐进稳定性. 微分方程年刊. 1998-01-01.
131. 范猛,王克,刘会民,张玉娟,张树文. 一类具有退偿增长曲线的生物种群的捕获优化问题. 生物数学. 1997-12-01.
132. 范猛,王克. 集合稳定性理论中的正定函数. 东北师大学报. 1997-12-01.
133. 范猛,许玉乾. 高校青年教师思想政治工作的时代嬗变及优化路径. 国家教育行政学院学报. 2015-03-15.
2. 周林华,范猛,侯强,靳祯,孙向东. Transmission dynamics and optimal control of brucellosis in Inner Mongolia of China. MATH BIOSCI ENG(15卷2期543-567页). 2018-04-01.
3. 吴永宝,闫世涵,范猛,李文学. Stabilization of stochastic coupled systems with Markovian switching via feedback control based on discrete-time state observations. INT J ROBUST NONLIN(28卷1期247-265页). 2018-01-01.
4. 陈明,范猛,袁星,朱怀平. Effect of seasonal changing temperature on the growth of phytoplankton. MATH BIOSCI ENG(14卷5/6期1091-1117页). 2017-10-01.
5. 王新,范猛,郝丽娜. Adaptive evolution of body size subject to indirect effect in trophic cascade system. BIOSYSTEMS(159卷23-35页). 2017-09-01.
6. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Nonuniform (h,k,u,v)-dichotomy with applications to nonautonomous dynamical systems. J MATH ANAL APPL(452卷1期505-551页). 2017-08-01.
7. 陈明,范猛,况阳. Global dynamics in a stoichiometric food chain model with two limiting nutrients. MATH BIOSCI(289卷9-19页). 2017-04-18.
8. 温紫娟,范猛,AsimMAsiri,EbraheemOAlzahrani,MohamedMEl-Dessoky,况阳. Global existence and uniqueness of classical solutions for a generalized quasilinear parabolic equation with application to a Glioblastoma growth model. MATH BIOSCI ENG(14卷2期407-420页). 2017-04-01.
9. 刘蒙,范猛. Permanence of Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Systems. J NONLINEAR SCI(27卷2期425-452页). 2017-04-01.
10. 刘蒙,范猛. Stability in distribution of a three-species stochastic cascade predator-prey system with time delays. IMA J APPL MATH(82卷2期396-423页). 2017-04-01.
11. 李尚,范猛,荣鑫淼. Global threshold dynamics of SIQS epidemic model in time fluctuating environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMATHEMATICS(10卷4期1750060-1-22页). 2017-03-28.
12. 夏治南,范猛,RaviPAgarwal. Almost automorphic dynamics of generalized Lienard equation. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANALYSIS AND COMPUTATION(7卷1期20-38页). 2017-02-01.
13. 范猛,吴平,冯芷兰,RobertK.Swihart. Dynamics of Predator-Prey Metapopulations with Allee Effects. B MATH BIOL. 2016-08-01.
14. JosepLluisUso-Domenech,JosueAntonioNescolarde-Selva,MiguelLloret-Climent,范猛. Semiotic Open Complex Systems: Processes and Behaviors. COMPLEXITY. 2016-08-01.
15. 夏治南,范猛,RaviAgarwal. Pseudo almost automorphy of semilinear fractional differential equations in Banach spaces. FRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND APPLIED ANALYSIS. 2016-06-01.
16. Josue-AntonioNescolarde-Selva,Jose-LuisUso-Domenech,范猛. Transport of atmospheric pollutants in West Mediterranean areas: mathematical model. American Journal of Systems and Software. 2016-06-01.
17. Josué-AntonioNescolarde-Selva,Josep-LluisUsó-Doménech,MiguelLloret-Climent,范猛. Synonymy relationship and stochastic processes in determination of flow equations in ecological models. ECOL COMPLEX. 2016-05-01.
18. 吕东毓,范猛,YunKang,KrystalBlanco. Modeling Refuge Effect of Submerged Macrophytes in Lake System. B MATH BIOL. 2016-04-01.
19. 王新,范猛,郝丽娜. Adaptive evolution of foraging-related trait in intraguild predation system. MATH BIOSCI. 2016-02-01.
20. 陈明,范猛,刘锐,王小雨,袁星,朱怀平. The dynamics of temperature and light on the growth of phytoplankton. J THEOR BIOL. 2015-08-01.
21. 谢丛波,范猛,王新,陈明. Dynamic model for life history of Scyphozoa. PLOS ONE. 2015-06-01.
22. 郝丽娜,范猛,王新. Effects of nutrient enrichment on coevolution of a stoichiometric producer-grazer system. MATH BIOSCI ENG. 2014-08-01.
23. 张继民,范猛,常笑源. Parameter dependence of stable manifolds for nonuniform (u,v)-dichotomies. ACTA MATH SIN. 2013-06-01.
24. LuisBarreira,范猛,Claudiaalls,张继民. Stable manifolds for delay equations and parameter dependence. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2012-10-01.
25. 夏治南,范猛. Weighted Stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphy and applications. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2012-03-01.
26. LuisBarreira,范猛,ClaudiaValls,张继民. Parameter Dependence of Stable Manifolds for Delay Equations with Polynomial Dichotomies. J DYN DIFFER EQU. 2012-03-01.
27. 张继民,范猛. Boundedness and stability of semi-linear dynamic equations on time scales. Progress in Qualitative Theory of Functional Equations. 2012-03-01.
28. 周林华,范猛. Dynamics of an SIR epidemic model with limited medical resources revisited. NONLINEAR ANAL-REAL. 2012-02-01.
29. 张继民,范猛,常笑源. Nonlinear perturbations of nonuniform exponential dichotomy on measure chains. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2012-01-01.
30. 夏治南,范猛. A Massera type criterion for almost automorphy of nonautonomous boundary differential equations. ELECTRON J QUAL THEO. 2011-09-01.
31. 周林华,范猛,冯芷兰. Dynamics of a multigroup epidemiological model with group-targeted vaccination strategies. J THEOR BIOL. 2011-09-01.
32. LuisBarreira,范猛,ClaudiaValls,张继民. Robustness of nonuniform polynomial dichotomies for difference equations. TOPOL METHOD NONL AN. 2011-06-01.
33. JitsuroSugie,YasuhisaSaito,范猛. Global asymptotic stability for predator-prey systems whose prey receives time-variation of the environment. P AM MATH SOC. 2011-06-01.
34. 范猛,夏治南,朱怀平. Asymptotic stability of delay differential equations via fixed point theory and applications. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 2010-12-01.
35. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Necessary and sufficient criteria for the existence of exponential dichotomy on time scales. COMPUT MATH APPL. 2010-10-01.
36. 谢丛波,范猛,赵巍. Dynamics of a discrete stoichiometric two predators one prey model. J BIOL SYST. 2010-09-01.
37. LuisBarreira,范猛,ClaudiaValis,张继民. Invariant manifolds for impulsive equations and nonuniform polynomial dichotomies. J STAT PHYS. 2010-08-01.
38. 范猛,张冰冰,李毅. Mechanisms for stable coexistence in an insect community. MATH BIOSCI ENG. 2010-07-01.
39. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Periodic solution of single population models on time scales. MATH COMPUT MODEL. 2010-06-01.
40. 王岭,王德利,白玉光,黄月,范猛,刘鞠善,李冶兴. Spatially complex neighboring relationships among grassland plant species as an effective mechanism of defense against herbivory. OECOLOGIA. 2010-06-01.
41. 张继民,范猛,朱怀平. Existence and roughness of exponential dichotomies of linear dynamic equations on time scales. COMPUT MATH APPL. 2010-04-01.
42. 曾志军,范猛. Study on a non-autonomous predator–prey system with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response. MATH COMPUT MODEL. 2008-12-01.
43. 刘志军,范猛,陈兰荪. Globally asymptotic stability in two periodic delayed competitive systems. APPL MATH COMPUT. 2008-03-15.
44. 毕利,MartinBohner,范猛. Periodic solutions of functional dynamic equations with infinite delay. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2008-03-01.
45. 张冰冰,范猛. 关于应用重合度研究时标动力学方程周期解的注记. 东北师大学报(自然科学版). 2007-12-20.
46. MartinBohner,范猛,张继民. Periodicity of scalar dynamic equations and applications to population models. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2007-06-01.
47. 曾志军,毕利,范猛. Existence of multiple positive periodic solutions for functional differential equations. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2007-01-01.
48. 隋光宇,范猛,IraklyLoladze,YangKuang. The dynamics of a stoichiometric plant-herbivore model and its discrete analog. MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING. 2007-01-01.
49. 李清,裴东河,范猛. 高师数学实践教学体系研究. 教学研究. 2006-12-01.
50. 王克,范猛,MichaelYLi. A massera theorem for quasi-linear partial differential equations of first order. ROCKY MT J MATH. 2006-11-01.
51. 王克,范猛. Permanence of predator-prey system of one predator and several preys with infinite delay. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly. 2006-10-01.
52. MartinBohner,范猛,张继民. Existence of periodic solutions in predator-prey and competition dynamic systems. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS. 2006-08-01.
53. JiminZhang,范猛,YangKuang. Rabbits killing birds revisited. MATH BIOSCI. 2006-03-01.
54. 叶丹,范猛. Periodicity in mutualism systems with impulse. TAIWAN J MATH. 2006-03-01.
55. 迪申加卜,范猛,王克. 具无限时滞中立型泛函微分方程解的稳定性与有界性. 数学物理学报. 2005-10-01.
56. 叶丹,范猛,王海燕. Periodic solutions for scalar functional differential equations. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2005-09-01.
57. 范猛,叶丹. Convergence dynamics and pseudo almost periodicity of a class of nonautonomous RFDEs with applications. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2005-09-01.
58. 范猛,Y.K.,Z.L.F.. Cats protecting birds revisited. B MATH BIOL. 2005-09-01.
59. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏. Periodic solutions of density dependent predator-prey systems with Holling Type 2 functional response and infinite delays. Z ANGEW MATH MECH. 2005-06-01.
60. 范猛,I.L.,Y.K.,J.J.E.. Dynamics of a stoichiometric discrete producer-grazer model. J DIFFER EQU APPL. 2005-04-01.
61. 范猛,王克,R.P.A.. Periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay. DYNAM CONT DIS SER A. 2005-01-01.
62. 王克,范猛. Necessary and Sufficient criteria for the uniqueness of Solutions to the IVPs of scalar autonomous ODEs. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2004-12-20.
63. 柏灵,范猛,王克. 具有比率型功能反应捕食-食饵差分系统周期解的存在性. 大学数学. 2004-12-01.
64. 叶丹,范猛. 具有脉冲的三种群捕食者-食饵链系统正周期解的存在性. 东北师大学报(自然科学版). 2004-12-01.
65. 叶丹,范猛. Periodicity in impulsive predator-prey system with holling ⅲ functional response. KODAI MATH.J. 2004-10-03.
66. 范猛,叶丹,PATRICIAJ.Y.WONG,RAVIP.AGARWAL. Periodicity in a class of non-autonomous scalar equations with deviating arguments and applications to population models. DYNAM SYST. 2004-09-01.
67. 柏灵,范猛,王克. 离散时间的互惠系统的正周期解的存在性. 生物数学学报. 2004-09-01.
68. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏. 一类具HollingⅡ型功能性反应的捕食者-食饵系统非平凡周期解的存在性. 工程数学学报. 2004-08-20.
69. 范猛,王茜. Periodic solutions of a class of nonautonomous discrete time semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey systems. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B. 2004-08-01.
70. 范猛,旷杨. Dynamics of a nonautonomous predator-prey system with the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2004-07-01.
71. 张伟鹏,范猛. Periodic solutions for a scalar integro-differential equation. INDIAN J PURE AP MAT. 2004-07-01.
72. 王克,范猛,RAVIP.AGARWAL,S.DONTHA. Basic theory of functional equations with infinite delay. FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 2004-06-20.
73. 叶丹,范猛,张伟鹏. 一类捕食者-食铒系统正周期解的存在性. 生物数学学报. 2004-06-20.
74. 张伟鹏,范猛,叶丹. 一类数学生物经济模型的周期性. 应用数学学报. 2004-05-20.
75. 范猛,邹幸福. Global asymptotic stability of a class of nonautonomous integro-differential systems and applications. NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR. 2004-04-20.
76. 范猛,叶丹,张伟鹏. Periodic solutions for a mutualism model governed by difference equation. Dynamic Systems and Applications. 2004-03-01.
77. 张伟鹏,范猛. Periodicity in a Generalized Ecological Competition System Governed by Impulsive Differential Equations with Delays. MATH COMPUT MODEL. 2004-02-20.
78. 柏灵,范猛,王克. Periodic solutions for a discrete time ratio-dependent two predator-one prey system. ANNALS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 2004-01-20.
79. 范猛,王克,PATRICIAJ.Y.WONG,RAVIP.AGARWAL. Periodicity and Stability in Periodic n-Species Lotka-Volterra Competition System with Feedback Controls and Deviating Arguments. ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA. 2003-10-01.
80. 张伟鹏,范猛. 一类积分微分方程正周期解的存在性. 沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2003-07-01.
81. 柏灵,范猛,王克. Existence of positive periodic solution for difference equations of three-species ratio-dependent predator-prey system. SOOCHOW FOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. 2003-07-01.
82. 范猛,王克. Yoshizawa型周期解定理和Massera型周期解定理研究进展简介. 数学进展. 2003-06-01.
83. 王静,范猛,王克. 离散时间两种群竞争系统正周期解存在性. 生物数学学报. 2003-05-19.
84. 王克,范猛. 国民经济中的最优积累率. 数学的实践与认识. 2003-04-01.
85. 谢丛波,范猛. 种群服从Gompertz增长的数学生物经济模型的定性分析. 东北师大学报自然科学版. 2003-03-01.
86. 王倩,范猛,王克. Dynamics of a class of nonautonomous semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey systems with functional responses. J MATH ANAL APPL. 2003-01-01.
87. 范猛,王倩,邹幸福. Dynamics of a non-autonomous ratio-dependent predator-Prey system. Pro.of the Royal Soc. of Edin.. 2003-01-01.
88. 李晓月,柏灵,杨帆,范猛,王克. 离散的互惠生态系统的最优捕获策略. 生物数学学报. 2002-09-01.
89. 范猛,S.A. Periodic Solutions of Nonautonomous Discrete Predator-Prey System of Lotka-Volterra Type. Applicable Analysis. 2002-07-01.
90. 范猛,王克. Periodic Solutions of a Discrete Time Nonautonomous Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey System. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2002-07-01.
91. 范猛,S.A. Periodic Solutions for a Class of Discrete Time Competition Systems. Nonlinear Studies. 2002-07-01.
92. 王克,范猛,帅智圣. 一类经济网络中商品生产调运定价问题. 经济数学. 2002-07-01.
93. 范猛,王克. Periodicity in a "Food-limited"population model with toxicants and time delays. Acta mathematicae applicatae sinica. 2002-04-01.
94. 张晓颖,柏灵,范猛,王克. Existence of Positive Periodic Solution for Predator-Prey Difference System with Holling 3 Functional Response. Mathematica Applicata. 2002-03-01.
95. 李晓月,范猛,王克. 具反馈控制和无穷时滞单种群模型周期正解. 高校应用数学学报A辑. 2002-01-01.
96. 范猛,JiabuDishen,王倩,王克. Stability and boundedness of solutions of neutral functional defferential equation with finite delay. J.Math.Anal.Appl.. 2002-01-01.
97. 范猛,王克. 价格随供求变化的捕获问题. 生物数学学报. 2001-12-01.
98. 范猛,王克. Periodicity in a Delayed Ratio-Dependent Predator-Prey System. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2001-10-01.
99. 范猛,王克. Global Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions of Periodic Predator-Prey System with Infinite Delays. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2001-10-01.
100. 范猛,王克. 一类具有Holling2型功能性反应的捕食者-食饵系统全局周期解的存在性. 数学物理学报. 2001-09-01.
101. 李晓波,王克,范猛,李宪高. 最小存活种群的确定与生物多样性保护. 东北师大学报自然科学版. 2001-09-01.
102. 范猛,李毅,王克. Global stability of an SEIS epidemic model with recruitment and a varying total population size. Mathematical Biosciences. 2001-06-01.
103. 蒋达清,范猛,阿英. A monotone method for constructing extremal solutions to second-order periodic boundary value problems. Journal fo Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2001-05-01.
104. 范猛,王克. 一类积分微分方程系统正周期解的存在性. 数学学报. 2001-05-01.
105. 范猛,王克. Study on harvested population with diffusional migration. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2001-04-01.
106. 范猛,王克. Positive Periodic Solutions of a Periodic Integro-differential Competition System with Infinite Delays. ZAMM.Z.Angew.Math.Mech. 2001-03-01.
107. 范猛,王克. 具有偏差变元的捕食者-食饵系统全局周期解的存在性. 应用数学学报. 2000-10-01.
108. 李清,王克,范猛. 广义Logistic模型的捕获优化问题. 生物数学学报. 2000-08-01.
109. 范猛,王克. Global pcriodic solutions of a generalized n-species Gilpin-Ayala competition model. Computers and Mathematics with Appl.. 2000-08-01.
110. 范猛,王克. Periodic solutions of convex neutral functional differential equations. TOHOKU MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL. 2000-08-01.
111. 范猛,王克. 具无限时滞线性中立型泛函微分方程周期解. 数学学报. 2000-07-01.
112. 王克,范猛. Positive periodic solutions of predator-prey systems with infinite delay. CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B. 2000-06-01.
113. 范猛,王克. 泛函微分方程的一类边值问题. 东北师大学报. 2000-06-01.
114. 范猛,王克,李明玉. Global stability of SEIR models with saturation incidence. PROCEEDINGS OF INTER CONFER ON DIFFER EQUATIONS AND COMPUTE SIMULATIONS. 2000-04-01.
115. 范猛,王克. 具有遗传效应单种群模型的正周期解. 应用数学. 2000-04-01.
116. 范猛,王克. 多物种生态竞争系统周期正解的存在性和全局吸引性. 数学学报. 2000-01-01.
117. 范猛,王克. 一致最终有界性与无限时滞泛函微分方程周期解. 系统科学与数学. 1999-07-01.
118. 范猛,王克,周毅. 具有临界退偿增长的生物种群的开发. 丹东师专学报. 1999-04-01.
119. 范猛,王克,蒋达清. Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions. Malhematical Biosciences. 1999-01-01.
120. 范猛,王克. 具有时滞中立型泛函数微分方程周期解. 科学通报. 1998-12-01.
121. 范猛,王克,张玉娟. 价格成本变化的具有退偿增长的生物种群的经济捕获模型. 生物数学学报. 1998-12-01.
122. 翁世有,高海音,王克,范猛. 互惠系统的捕获优化问题. 生物数学学报. 1998-12-01.
123. 范猛,王克,张树文. 具有退偿增长曲线的生物种群之研究. 生物数学学报. 1998-12-01.
124. 张树文,张玉娟,刘会民,杨启昌,范猛,王克. Cordon理论的改进与开放鱼场的可持续开发. 生物数学学报. 1998-10-01.
125. 张玉娟,刘会民,张树文,范猛,王克. 竞争系统的两个种群同时进行捕获的优化问题. 生物数学学报. 1998-10-01.
126. 刘会民,张树文,张玉娟,范猛,王克. 临界退偿系统的捕获优化问题. 生物数学学报. 1998-10-01.
127. 范猛,王克,李宪高. 容许空间对中解的有界性之间的等价关系. 广西教育学院学报. 1998-06-01.
128. 范猛,王克. 具有周期系数单种群最优捕获策略. 数学生物科学. 1998-01-01.
129. 范猛,王克. 艾滋病数学模型的建立与定性分析. 中日国际应用数学及其相关科学会议. 1998-01-01.
130. 范猛,王克. 具有多个时滞的线性自治微分方程的渐进稳定性. 微分方程年刊. 1998-01-01.
131. 范猛,王克,刘会民,张玉娟,张树文. 一类具有退偿增长曲线的生物种群的捕获优化问题. 生物数学. 1997-12-01.
132. 范猛,王克. 集合稳定性理论中的正定函数. 东北师大学报. 1997-12-01.
133. 范猛,许玉乾. 高校青年教师思想政治工作的时代嬗变及优化路径. 国家教育行政学院学报. 2015-03-15.
1. 范猛. 成果名称:第六届秦元勋数学奖. 第六届秦元勋数学奖. 2013-7-22.
2. 范猛. 成果名称:非线性动力学系统动态平衡规律研究. 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖. 2012.
3. 范猛. 成果名称:吉林省第七届青年科技奖. 吉林省第七届青年科技奖. 2002-10-08.
2. 范猛. 成果名称:非线性动力学系统动态平衡规律研究. 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖. 2012.
3. 范猛. 成果名称:吉林省第七届青年科技奖. 吉林省第七届青年科技奖. 2002-10-08.
版权所有:东北师范大学数学与统计学院 系统开发:π工作室