School of Mathematics and Statistics,NENU
Personal Particulars
郭建华  教授
1. 高惠璇,郭建华,张庆峰,张利华. SAS系统与股票市场分析[译著]. 北京大学概率统计系. 1998-06-01.
1. 郭建华,孙毅. 贝叶斯网的分解理论及其应用. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:20万元). 执行时间:2018-01-01至2018-12-31.
2. 郭建华. 2018青年骨干教师培训班. 国家自然科学基金委东北数学天元中心(资助金额:80万元). 执行时间:2018-01-01至2018-12-31.
3. 郭建华. 2017统计学青年骨干教师培训班. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:60万元). 执行时间:2017-06-01至2017-07-31.
4. 郭建华等. 基于结构的网络数据统计分析. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:236万元). 执行时间:2017-01-01至2021-12-31.
5. 郭建华等. 大数据的稳健统计分析. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:255万元). 执行时间:2017-01-01至2021-12-31.
6. 郭建华. 2016统计学青年骨干教师培训班. 国家自然科学基金专项基金(资助金额:70万元). 执行时间:2016-06-01至2016-12-01.
7. 郝立柱,刘秉辉,朱文圣,黄伟,王晓飞,刘荣,张衡,郭建华. 基于国家自然科学基金成果海量数据的统计学方法研究. 国家自然科学基金专项基金(资助金额:18万元). 执行时间:2015-09-01至2016-08-01.
8. 史宁中,郭建华,白志东,陶剑,张宝学,高巍,郑术蓉,朱文圣,孙法省,蔺杉. 大数据背景下统计学及其交叉研究平台建设——网络数据分析2015. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:100万元). 执行时间:2015-01-01至2015-12-01.
9. 张宝学,孔俊,王连明,乔双,谷德山,郭建华,郝立柱,李明非,景士伟,孙佳宁,王国长,姬永刚,孙露,谭冰微,陈晓娟. 吉林省应用统计学研究创新团队. 吉林省科技厅(资助金额:20万元). 执行时间:2011-09-01至2013-09-01.
10. 郭建华. 应用统计方法研究(杰青). 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:140万元). 执行时间:2011-01-01至2014-12-01.
11. 郭建华,史宁中,白志东,张宝学,高巍,陶剑,蒋达清,范猛,滕建州,孔俊. 数据驱动的应用统计方法研究. 教育部(资助金额:300.0万元). 执行时间:2011-01-01至2013-12-01.
12. 郭建华,郝立柱,赵显,史宁中,蔡波,白志东,张宝学,陶剑,孔俊,马文卿,朱文圣,冯国忠. 汉语文本数据挖掘示范. 吉林省科技厅(资助金额:20.0万元). 执行时间:2010-04-01至2012-12-01.
13. 郭建华. 非结构化数据的数学建模与机器学习. 西安交通大学(资助金额:万元). 执行时间:2010-04-01至2011-03-01.
14. 郭建华. 汉语文本数据挖掘的统计方法(2010). 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10.0万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2010-12-01.
15. 郭建华,郝立柱,马文卿,蔡守峰,冯国忠,王晓飞,官国宇.  汉语文本数据挖掘的统计方法(2010). 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10.0万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2010-12-01.
16. 郭建华,肖玉山,阴小林,朱文圣,徐平峰,王晓飞,单娜,金丽娜. 基因定位的统计方法研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:29万元). 执行时间:2009-01-01至2011-12-01.
17. 郭建华,郝立柱,赵显,蔡波,马文卿,冯国忠,徐平峰,王晓飞,单娜. 汉语文本数据挖掘的统计方法. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2009-01-01至2009-12-01.
18. 麻彤辉,苪耀诚,杨红,刘群,郭建华,李铁军,李晓萌,李玲,杨鹏远,冯学超,刘新,刘艳丽,章越凡,朱娜,郝峰,李东,熊清卉,宋旭辉,杨静波,肖英红.  脑血管疾病发生和防治的基础研究. 科技部(资助金额:290.0万元). 执行时间:2009-01-01至2013-08-01.
19. 郭建华,徐平峰. 非结构化数据的数学建模与机器学习. 西安交通大学(资助金额:50万元). 执行时间:2007-08-01至2012-07-01.
20. 郭建华,马文卿,阴小林,朱文圣. 信息通讯技术(ICT)产业评价与比较研究. 国家科技部(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2005-01-01至2006-04-01.
21. 郭建华,马文卿,阴小林,朱文圣. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(资助金额:50万元). 执行时间:2005-01-01至2007-12-01.
22. 史宁中,耿直,吴喜之,郭建华,陶剑. 生物医学中的统计方法研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:100万元). 执行时间:2005-01-01至2008-12-01.
23. 郭建华,阴小林,朱文圣. 基因芯片数据的统计分析. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2005-01-01至2008-12-01.
24. 冯荣锦,郭建华,郭伟,阴小林,朱文圣. 多元分析及其算法研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:40万元). 执行时间:2004-01-01至2006-12-01.
25. 郭建华,马文卿,郑术蓉,阴小林,朱文圣,周影,樊国林. 分子遗传数据的统计分析方法. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:16万元). 执行时间:2004-01-01至2006-12-01.
26. 郭建华,陶剑,高巍,马文卿,郑术蓉,阴小林,朱文圣. 生物信息学的统计分析方法. 教育部(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2004-01-01至2006-12-01.
27. 郭建华. 人类复杂疾病的基因定位. 吉林省科技厅(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2003-06-01至2006-06-01.
28. 郭建华,陶剑,马文卿,马艳萍,胡果荣. 流行病研究中的混杂现象和病因推断. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:7万元). 执行时间:2001-01-01至2003-12-01.
29. 史宁中,黄百渠,苏忠民,郭建华,李玉新,麻彤辉,王秀军. DNA序列的统计特性及其遗传结构分析. 教育部(资助金额:13万元). 执行时间:2000-12-01至2003-12-01.
30. 郭建华. 2011协同创新分中心项目(郭建华). 政府委托项目(中央其它部门委托项目)(资助金额:10万元). 立项时间:2015-01-01.
1. 王晓飞,郭建华,郝立柱,张连文. Spectral methods for learning discrete latent tree models. STATISTICS AND ITS INTERFACE(10卷4期677-698页). 2017-06-01.
2. 王斌,刁怀安,郭建华,刘西洋,吴元昊. Adaptive variable selection for extended Nijboer-Zernike aberration retrieval via lasso. OPT COMMUN(385卷78-86页). 2017-02-01.
3. 冯国忠,郭建华,荆炳义,孙铁利. Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classification. PATTERN RECOGN LETT. 2015-11-01.
4. 单娜,董小刚,徐平峰,郭建华. Sharp Bounds on Survivor Average Causal Effects When the Outcome Is Binary and Truncated by Death. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY. 2015-11-01.
5. 李少亭,陈嘉桦,郭建华,荆炳义,曾瑞英,薛红. Likelihood Ratio Test for Multi-Sample Mixture Model and Its Application to Genetic Imprinting. J AM STAT ASSOC. 2015-06-01.
6. 徐平峰,郭建华,邓文礼. A Localized Implementation of the Iterative Proportional Scaling Procedure for Gaussian Graphical Models. J COMPUT GRAPH STAT. 2015-01-01.
7. 官国宇,郭建华,王汉生. Varying Naive Bayes Models with Applications to Classification of Chinese Text Documents. J BUS ECON STAT. 2014-07-01.
8. 安百国,郭建华,刘玉峰. Hypothesis testing for band size detection of high-dimensional banded precision matrices. BIOMETRIKA. 2014-06-01.
9. 邓文礼,吴琴,田国良,郭建华. Two-sample non randomized response techniques for sensitive questions. COMMUN STAT-THEOR M. 2014-06-01.
10. 金丽娜,朱文圣,于雅琴,寇长贵,孟祥飞,陶育纯,郭建华. Nonparametric tests of associations with disease based on U-statistics. ANN HUM GENET. 2014-03-01.
11. 蔡守峰,李本崇,郭建华. A simplification of computing Markov bases for graphical models whose underlying graphs are suspensions of graphs. STAT SINICA. 2014-01-01.
12. 李本崇,郭建华. Decomposition of two classes of structural models. Frontiers of Mathematics in China. 2013-12-01.
13. 肖健,朱文圣,郭建华. Large-scale multiple testing in genome-wide association studies via region-specific hidden Markov models. BMC BIOINFORMATICS. 2013-09-01.
14. 李本崇,蔡守峰,郭建华. A computational algebraic-geometry method for conditional-independence inference. Frontiers of Mathematics in China. 2013-06-01.
15. 安百国,王汉生,郭建华. Testing the statistical significance of an ultra-high-dimensional naive Bayes classifier. STATISTICS AND ITS INTERFACE. 2013-06-01.
16. 刘秉辉,郭建华. Collapsibility of Conditional Graphical Models. SCAND J STAT. 2013-06-01.
17. 安百国,郭建华,王汉生. Multivariate regression shrinkage and selection by canonical correlation analysis. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2013-06-01.
18. 王晓飞,郭建华. The tree structure of graphs for various graphical models. STATISTICS AND ITS INTERFACE. 2013-03-01.
19. 李本崇,郭建华. A note on one-factor analysis. STAT PROBABIL LETT. 2012-11-01.
20. 孟宪勇,郭建华,苏本堂. Incidence coloring of pseudo-Halin graphs. DISCRETE MATH. 2012-11-01.
21. 徐平峰,郭建华,邓文礼. An improved Hara-Takamura procedure by sharing computations on junction tree in Gaussian graphical models. STAT COMPUT. 2012-09-01.
22. 徐平峰,郭建华. A new algorithm for decomposition of graphical models. ACTA MATH APPL SIN-E. 2012-06-01.
23. 郑术蓉,郭建华,史宁中,Tianguoliang. Likelihood-based approaches for multivariate linear models under inequality constraints for incomplete data. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2012-05-01.
24. 裴艳波,邓文礼,Wong,W.K.,郭建华. Confidence intervals for correlated proportion differences from paired data in a two-arm randomised clinical trial. STAT METHODS MED RES. 2012-04-01.
25. 冯国忠,郭建华,荆炳义,郝立柱. A Bayesian feature selection paradigm for text classification. INFORM PROCESS MANAG. 2012-03-01.
26. 单娜,郭建华. Covariate selection for identifying the causal effects of stochastic interventions using causal networks. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2012-01-01.
27. 单娜,郭建华. Bounds on average controlled direct effects with an unobserved response variable. J SYST SCI COMPLEX. 2011-12-01.
28. 徐平峰,郭建华,何旭铭. An improved iterative proportional scaling procedure for Gaussian graphical models. J COMPUT GRAPH STAT. 2011-06-01.
29. 徐平峰,郭建华,Man-LaiTang. Structural learning for Bayesian networks by testing complete separators in prime blocks. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2011-06-01.
30. 王晓飞,郭建华,何旭铭. Finding the minimal set for collapsible graphical models. P AM MATH SOC. 2011-01-01.
31. 周影,韩国牛,史宁中,冯荣锦,郭建华. 约束下多子女家系数据重组率的最大似然估计. 中国科学:数学. 2010-10-01.
32. 单娜,郭建华. Covariate selection for identifying the effects of a particular type of conditional plan using causal networks. FRONT MATH CHINA. 2010-10-01.
33. 金丽娜,朱文圣,郭建华. Genome-wide association studies using haplotype clustering with a new haplotype similarity. GENET EPIDEMIOL. 2010-09-01.
34. 赵慧秀,马文卿,郭建华. The AU algorithm for estimating equations in the presence of missing data. STAT PROBABIL LETT. 2010-04-01.
35. 刘秉辉,郭建华,JingB.Y.. A note on minimal d-separation trees for structural learning. ARTIF INTELL. 2010-04-01.
36. 潭江,陆军,黄伟,董智雄,孔晨飞,李琳,高丽娜,郭建华,黄百渠. Genome-wide Analysis of Histone H3 Lysine9 Modifications in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation. PLoS ONE. 2009-08-01.
37. 赵红,朱文圣,郭建华. 对含未知基因型个体的家系进行单倍型推断的EM方法. 应用概率统计. 2009-08-01.
38. 朱文圣,Kuk,A.Y.C.,郭建华. Haplotype inference for population data with genotyping errors. BIOMETRICAL J. 2009-07-02.
39. 孟宪勇,郭建华,Li,R.S.,Chen,T.,Su,B.T.. The total chromatic number of Pseudo-Halin graphs with lower degree. DISCRETE MATH. 2009-03-01.
40. 潭江,黄慧,黄伟,李琳,郭建华,黄百渠,陆军. The genomic landscapes of histone H3-Lys9 modifications of gene promoter regions and expression profiles in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of genetics and genomics(遗传学报英文版). 2008-10-01.
41. 裴艳波,Tang,M.L,郭建华. Testing the equality of two proportions for combined unilateral and bilateral data. COMMUN STAT-SIMUL C. 2008-07-01.
42. 王晓飞,郭建华. Junction trees of general graphs. FRONT MATH CHINA. 2008-03-01.
43. 史宁中,耿直,郭建华,陶剑. A project of applied statistical methods in China:review and outlook. STATISTICS AND ITS INTERFACE. 2008-01-15.
44. 周影,史宁中,Fung,W.K,郭建华. Maximum likelihood estimates of two-locus recombination fractions under some natural inequality restrictions. BMC Genetic. 2008-01-04.
45. 王秀莉,潘丽娜,冯云鹏,王艳乐,韩秋菊,汉丽萍,韩松岩,郭建华,黄百渠,陆军. p300 plays a role in p16INK4a expression and cell cycle arrest. ONCOGENE. 2008-01-01.
46. 阴小林,马文卿,Tang,M.L,郭建华. Testing for homogeneity of gametic disequilibrium across strata. BMC Genetic. 2007-12-20.
47. 朱文圣,WKFung,郭建华. Incorporating Genotyping Uncertainty in Haplotype Frequency Estimation in Pedigree Studies. HUM HERED. 2007-06-01.
48. 阴小林,马文卿,Tang,M.L.,郭建华. A test of homogeneity of Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium across strata. EUR J HUM GENET. 2006-11-01.
49. MLTang,HKNg,郭建华,WChan,PSChan. Exact Cochran-Armitage trend tests: comparisons under different models. J STAT COMPUT SIM. 2006-10-01.
50. 朱文圣,郭建华. 病例-对照研究中基因型不确定时单倍型关联分析的似然方法. 中国科学A辑. 2006-03-01.
51. 朱文圣,郭建华. A likelihood-based method for haplotype association studies of case-control data with genotyping uncertainty. SCI CHINA SER A. 2006-01-10.
52. 邵琛,胡冬华,孙海珠,颜力楷,苏忠民,王荣顺,朱文圣,郭建华,史宁中,孙晖,李泽生,孙家鍾. SARS冠状病毒E蛋白的结构研究及功能预测. CHEM J CHINESE U. 2005-08-01.
53. 陶剑,史宁中,Tang,ML,郭建华. Model Selection as a Prelude of Risk Assessment Studies. The Joint Meeting of The Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics and The Institute of Mathematical Statistics. 2005-07-12.
54. 郭伟,WKFung,史宁中,郭建华. On the formula for admixture linkage disequilibrium. HUM HERED. 2005-07-01.
55. 郑术蓉,史宁中,郭建华. The restricted EM algorithm under linear inequalities in a linear model with missing data. SCI CHINA SER A. 2005-06-01.
56. 郑术蓉,史宁中,郭建华. 含缺失数据线性模型的线性不等式约束EM算法. 中国科学A辑. 2005-02-15.
57. 史宁中,郑术蓉,郭建华. The restricted EM algorithm under inequality restrictions on the parameters. J MULTIVARIATE ANAL. 2005-01-15.
58. 陶剑,史宁中,郭建华. Minimax and admissible confidence interval with application to safety assessment. Proceedings of the English China-Japan Symposium on Statistics. 2004-10-18.
59. 朱文圣,郭建华. A likelihood-based method to study haplotype association for case-control data with genotyping uncertainty. THE EIGHTH CHINA-JAPAN SYMPOSIUM ON STATISTICS. 2004-10-15.
60. 郭建华,马严平,史宁中,lautaishing. Testing for homogeneity of relative differences under inverse sampling. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2004-04-01.
61. 郭建华,耿直,史宁中. Consecutive collapsibility of logistic regression coefficients over an ordinal background. journal of statistical planning and inference. 2003-02-01.
62. 马艳萍,郭建华,史宁中,M.L.T. On the Use of Historical Control Information for Trend Test in Carcinogenesis. BIOMETRICS. 2002-12-01.
63. 陶剑,史宁中,郭建华,高巍. Stepwise procedures for the identification of minimum effective dose with unknown variances. STAT PROBABIL LETT. 2002-06-01.
64. 陶剑,郭建华,史宁中. Stepwise Procedures under Unknown Variances for Toxicological Evaluation. BIOMETRICAL J. 2002-06-01.
65. 耿直,郭建华,WKFung. Criteria for confounders in epidemiological studies. J ROY STAT SOC B. 2002-03-01.
66. 郭建华,耿直,史宁中. On collapsibilities of Yule s measure. Science in china(Series A). 2001-07-01.
67. 郭建华,耿直. Consecutive Collapsibility of Odds Ratios over an Ordinal Background Variable. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2001-06-01.
68. 郭建华,耿直,史宁中. Yule测度的可压缩性. 中国科学(A辑). 2001-04-01.
69. 郭建华,阴小林. Yule测试的齐一性检验. 2000年中国博士后学术大会论文集. 2001-02-01.
70. 郭建华,马文卿. 辅助交互作用的有序可压缩性. 应用概率统计. 2001-02-01.
71. 耿直,郭建华. Confounding,Homogeneity And Collapsibility For Causal Effects In Epidemiologic Studies. Statistica Sinica. 2001-01-01.
72. 郭建华,史宁中. Testing For Homogeneity Of The Risk Differences Against Order Restrictions. The Seventh Japan_China Symposium On Statistics. 2000-11-01.
73. 郭建华,马文卿. 随机独立性与回归独立性. 北京大学学报(自然科学版). 2000-01-01.
74. 郭建华,耿直. Consecutive Collapsibility of Relative Risks. 数学进展. 1999-07-01.
75. 郭建华,陈文元,马文清. Collapsibility of Directed Association Measures in Linear Models. 黑龙江大学学报. 1998-09-01.
76. 耿直,郭建华. Confounder and Confounding Observational Studies. Proceedinge of Joint Statistical C. 1998-05-01.
77. 耿直,郭建华. Causal inference confounding and graphical models. 数学科学前沿展望讨论会. 1998-05-01.
78. 耿直,李光伟,郭建华. Causal effects and confounding. THE SIXTH CHINA-JAPAN SYMPOSIUM ON. 1997-10-01.
79. 耿直,郭建华,李广伟. 方法及他流行病学研究中的因果推断及混杂现象. 中华流行病学杂志. 1997-05-01.
80. 耿直,宛康,冯涛,郭建华. Decomposition of mixef graphical models with missing data. prerints 97international Sympos. 1997-05-01.
81. 耿直,郭建华. 因果推断及混杂现象. 北京大学学报. 1997-05-01.
82. 郭建华,耿直. Commutators of Logisric Regression Coefficiets. J.RStatist Soc.B. 1995-12-01.
83. 郭建华,梁志武. 优比的可压缩性. 曲阜师大学报. 1994-10-01.
84. 耿直,郭建华,龚明. Knowledge reduction integratlon in probabilstic expert systems. Staistica Applicatia. 1994-05-01.
85. 郭建华,耿直. Collaosibility of Likelihood ratio lests in mixed graphical inte. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIAN CONFEREN. 1993-08-01.
86. 朱文圣,郭建华. 基于单倍型的复杂疾病基因定位研究. 数理统计与管理. 2009-03-01.
1. 郭建华. 成果名称:教育部长江学者特聘教授. 教育部长江学者特聘教授. 2012.
2. 彭永臻,霍明昕,郭建华,王淑莹,韩洪军,李冬,汪传新,张君红,王淦,王煨东,隋军,杨庆,侯红勋,凌建军,张树军. 成果名称:低C/N比城市污水连续流脱氮除磷工艺与过程控制技术.  “中国建研院CABR杯”华夏建设科学技术奖一等奖. 2011-12-30.
3. 史宁中,郭建华,高巍,张宝学,陶剑. 成果名称:应用统计方法研究. 2006年度高等学校科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖. 2006-11-01.
4. 郭建华,耿直. 成果名称:Logistic回归分析中背景变量的混杂效应. 第四届全国统计科学技术进步一等奖. 1998-05-01.
5. 耿直,郭建华. 成果名称:模型的可压缩性和可分解性-合成不含不完全数据. 国家教育委员会科学技术进步二等奖. 1997-03-01.