School of Mathematics and Statistics,NENU
Personal Particulars
胡江  教授
1. 胡江,白志东,周望,潘光明,解悦,张秋妍,侯志强,刘研,牛珍珍,张晓琢. AIC, BIC及Cp准则在大维架构下的强相合性研究. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:48万元). 执行时间:2018-01-01至2021-12-31.
2. 扶先辉,朱海燕,胡江胜,张庆成,郭倩倩,郭君茹,倪美媛,陈顺莲. 理想逼近与模型结构. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:48万元). 执行时间:2017-01-01至2020-12-31.
3. 胡江,尹燕青,李慧琴,哈高帆,张秋妍. 大维统计推断中的均值向量及协方差矩阵的检验问题. 吉林省科技厅青年科研基金(其它)(资助金额:5万元). 执行时间:2016-01-01至2018-12-01.
4. 胡江,尹燕青,李慧琴,哈高帆,张秋妍. 大维随机矩阵理论在多总体独立性检验中的应用. 吉林省教育厅(资助金额:3万元). 执行时间:2016-01-01至2017-12-01.
5. 胡江. Skorokhod强表示定理及其在随机矩阵中的应用. 校内青年基金项目(资助金额:3万元). 执行时间:2014-01-01至2015-12-01.
6. 胡江,惠永昌,尹燕青,李慧琴. 大维随机矩阵经验谱分布函数的收敛以及统计推断. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:22万元). 执行时间:2014-01-01至2016-12-01.
1. 张超,白志东,胡江,王晨. Multi-sample test for high-dimensional covariance matrices. COMMUN STAT-THEOR M(47卷13期3161-3177页). 2018-07-01.
2. 鲍志刚,胡江,潘光明,周望. Test of independence for high-dimensional random vectors based on freeness in block correlation matrices. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF STATISTICS(11卷1期1527-1548页). 2017-04-01.
3. 杨利芳,胡江. Kernel estimators for Marcenko-Pastur law of quaternion sample covariance matrices. STAT PROBABIL LETT(126卷230-237页). 2017-03-27.
4. 胡江,白志东,王晨,王伟. On testing the equality of high dimensional mean vectors with unequal covariance matrices. ANN I STAT MATH(69卷2期365-387页). 2017-03-01.
5. 李慧琴,胡江,白志东,尹燕青,邹可心. Test on the linear combinations of mean vectors in high-dimensional data. TEST(26卷1期188-208页). 2017-03-01.
6. 尹燕青,胡江. On the limit of the spectral distribution of large-dimensional random quaternion covariance matrices. RANDOM MATRICES-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS(6卷1期1750004-1-20页). 2017-02-10.
7. 白志东,胡江,潘光明,周望. Convergence of the empirical spectral distribution function of Beta matrices. BERNOULLI. 2015-05-01.
8. 胡江,白志东. Strong representation of weak convergence. Science China Mathematics. 2014-11-01.
9. 尹燕青,白志东,胡江. On the limit of extreme eigenvalues of large dimensional random quaternion matrices. PHYS LETT A. 2014-04-01.
10. 白志东,胡江,WangZhou. Convergence rates to the Marchenko-Pastur type distribution. STOCH PROC APPL. 2012-01-01.
11. 白志东,胡江,潘光明,周旺. A Note on Rate of Convergence in Probability to Semicircular Law. ELECTRON J PROBAB. 2011-11-01.
12. 胡江,胡果荣,史晓磊. 大维AR(1)模型样本协方差阵的极限谱密度. 东北师大学报.自然科学版. 2010-06-01.