School of Mathematics and Statistics,NENU
Personal Particulars
School of Mathematics and Statistics,NENU
Personal Particulars
郑术蓉 教授
1. 白志东,郑术蓉,姜丹丹. 大维统计分析[编著]. 高等教育出版社. 2012-05-01.
1. 郭建华等. 大数据的稳健统计分析. 国家自然科学基金项目(资助金额:255万元). 执行时间:2017-01-01至2021-12-31.
2. 郑术蓉. 数理统计. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(资助金额:150万元). 执行时间:2016-01-01至2018-12-01.
3. 史宁中,郭建华,白志东,陶剑,张宝学,高巍,郑术蓉,朱文圣,孙法省,蔺杉. 大数据背景下统计学及其交叉研究平台建设——网络数据分析2015. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:100万元). 执行时间:2015-01-01至2015-12-01.
4. 郭民,刘海燕,王春鹏,秦德生,张友,郑术蓉,胡果荣,谭祖春,王丹,吴贤集,于利合,柳博实,孙彦伟,魏宝玉,郭为利,张月柱,毕洪波,徐文兵,李季. 基于CAS的中小学数学课程资源教育平台的开发与应用. 吉林省发展和改革委员会(资助金额:20万元). 执行时间:2015-01-01至2018-12-01.
5. 郑术蓉. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目NCET-11-0616. 教育部(资助金额:50.0万元). 执行时间:2012-01-01至2014-12-01.
6. 郑术蓉,高巍,邱红兵,郝立柱,胡果荣,王晓丹,许林,赵一红,张超. 多元统计分析中常用统计量的高维性态研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:40万元). 执行时间:2012-01-01至2015-12-01.
7. 高巍,郑术蓉,胡果荣,杜宇静,付连艳,印赞华,谌自奇,孟庆元,陆小磊,赵蕴. 关于有序数据的统计推断. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:26万元). 执行时间:2011-01-01至2013-12-01.
8. 史宁中,耿直,朱仲义,陶剑,张宝学,高巍,郑术蓉,朱文圣. 应用统计方法研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:150万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2013-12-01.
9. 郑术蓉,高巍,宋海燕,胡果荣. 不等式约束下的不完全数据分析及其应用. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:18万元). 执行时间:2008-01-01至2010-12-01.
10. 高巍,马文卿,郑术蓉,胡果荣,段智力,于刚,李佳宁,李玉玲. 有序列联表的统计推断. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:14万元). 执行时间:2006-01-01至2008-12-01.
11. 郭建华,马文卿,郑术蓉,阴小林,朱文圣,周影,樊国林. 分子遗传数据的统计分析方法. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:16万元). 执行时间:2004-01-01至2006-12-01.
12. 郭建华,陶剑,高巍,马文卿,郑术蓉,阴小林,朱文圣. 生物信息学的统计分析方法. 教育部(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2004-01-01至2006-12-01.
13. 白志东,Stlverstei,张丽馨,陶剑,郑术蓉,宁海燕. 大维随机阵线性谱统计量的极限性质. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:14万元). 执行时间:2003-01-01至2005-12-01.
14. 郑术蓉. 约束下的EM算法及应用. 校内自然科学青年基金(资助金额:2万元). 执行时间:2003-01-01至2006-12-01.
15. 史宁中,张宝学,高巍,陶剑,郑术蓉. 教:《数理统计》精品课程. 国家级本科教学质量与教学改革工程项目国家级精品课程建设项目(资助金额:10万元). 立项时间:2007-05-29.
2. 郑术蓉. 数理统计. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金(资助金额:150万元). 执行时间:2016-01-01至2018-12-01.
3. 史宁中,郭建华,白志东,陶剑,张宝学,高巍,郑术蓉,朱文圣,孙法省,蔺杉. 大数据背景下统计学及其交叉研究平台建设——网络数据分析2015. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:100万元). 执行时间:2015-01-01至2015-12-01.
4. 郭民,刘海燕,王春鹏,秦德生,张友,郑术蓉,胡果荣,谭祖春,王丹,吴贤集,于利合,柳博实,孙彦伟,魏宝玉,郭为利,张月柱,毕洪波,徐文兵,李季. 基于CAS的中小学数学课程资源教育平台的开发与应用. 吉林省发展和改革委员会(资助金额:20万元). 执行时间:2015-01-01至2018-12-01.
5. 郑术蓉. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目NCET-11-0616. 教育部(资助金额:50.0万元). 执行时间:2012-01-01至2014-12-01.
6. 郑术蓉,高巍,邱红兵,郝立柱,胡果荣,王晓丹,许林,赵一红,张超. 多元统计分析中常用统计量的高维性态研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:40万元). 执行时间:2012-01-01至2015-12-01.
7. 高巍,郑术蓉,胡果荣,杜宇静,付连艳,印赞华,谌自奇,孟庆元,陆小磊,赵蕴. 关于有序数据的统计推断. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:26万元). 执行时间:2011-01-01至2013-12-01.
8. 史宁中,耿直,朱仲义,陶剑,张宝学,高巍,郑术蓉,朱文圣. 应用统计方法研究. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:150万元). 执行时间:2010-01-01至2013-12-01.
9. 郑术蓉,高巍,宋海燕,胡果荣. 不等式约束下的不完全数据分析及其应用. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:18万元). 执行时间:2008-01-01至2010-12-01.
10. 高巍,马文卿,郑术蓉,胡果荣,段智力,于刚,李佳宁,李玉玲. 有序列联表的统计推断. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:14万元). 执行时间:2006-01-01至2008-12-01.
11. 郭建华,马文卿,郑术蓉,阴小林,朱文圣,周影,樊国林. 分子遗传数据的统计分析方法. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:16万元). 执行时间:2004-01-01至2006-12-01.
12. 郭建华,陶剑,高巍,马文卿,郑术蓉,阴小林,朱文圣. 生物信息学的统计分析方法. 教育部(资助金额:10万元). 执行时间:2004-01-01至2006-12-01.
13. 白志东,Stlverstei,张丽馨,陶剑,郑术蓉,宁海燕. 大维随机阵线性谱统计量的极限性质. 国家自然科学基金委员会(资助金额:14万元). 执行时间:2003-01-01至2005-12-01.
14. 郑术蓉. 约束下的EM算法及应用. 校内自然科学青年基金(资助金额:2万元). 执行时间:2003-01-01至2006-12-01.
15. 史宁中,张宝学,高巍,陶剑,郑术蓉. 教:《数理统计》精品课程. 国家级本科教学质量与教学改革工程项目国家级精品课程建设项目(资助金额:10万元). 立项时间:2007-05-29.
1. 白志东,惠勇昌,姜丹丹,吕智慧,Wing-KeungWong,郑术蓉. A New Test of Multivariate Nonlinear Causality. PLOS ONE (13卷1期e0185155-1-14页). 2018-01-05.
2. 刘忠颖,刘柏森,郑术蓉,史宁中. Simultaneous testing of mean vector and covariance matrix for high-dimensional data. J STAT PLAN INFER(188卷82-93页). 2017-09-01.
3. 郑术蓉,白志东,姚建峰. CLT for eigenvalue statistics of large-dimensional general Fisher matrices with applications. BERNOULLI(23卷2期1130-1178页). 2017-05-01.
4. RuitaoLin,刘忠颖,郑术蓉,GuoshengYin. Power computation for hypothesis testing with high-dimensional covariance matrices. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2016-12-01.
5. 许林,王友亁,郑术蓉,史宁中. Model selection with misspecified spatial covariance structure. J STAT COMPUT SIM. 2015-10-01.
6. 郑术蓉,白志东,JianfengYao. CLT for linear spectral statistics of a rescaled sample precision matrix. RANDOM MATRICES-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 2015-09-01.
8. 邱红兵,罗季,郑术蓉. On Bayes Linear Unbiased Estimator under the balanced Loss Function. COMMUN STAT-THEOR M. 2014-11-01.
9. 苏志刚,郑术蓉,王培红. Likelihood-based multivariate fuzzy model with linear inequality constraints. J INTELL FUZZY SYST. 2014-10-01.
10. 许林,刘柏森,郑术蓉,包少堃. Testing Proportionality of Two Large-dimensional Covariance Matrices. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2014-10-01.
11. 刘柏森,许林,郑术蓉,Guo-liangTian. A New Test for the Proportionality of Two Large-dimensional Covariance Matrices. J MULTIVARIATE ANAL. 2014-10-01.
12. 郑术蓉,姜丹丹,白志东,何旭铭. Inference on multiple correlation coefficients with moderately high dimensional data. BIOMETRIKA. 2014-09-01.
13. 白志东,姜丹丹,姚剑峰,郑术蓉. Testing Linear Hypotheses in High-Dimensional Regressions. STATISTICS. 2013-11-01.
14. GuoshengYin,郑术蓉,JiajingXu. Fractional Dose-finding methods with Late-onset Toxicity in Phase I Clinical Trials. J BIOPHARM STAT. 2013-11-01.
15. GuoshengYin,郑术蓉,JiajingXu. Two-Stage Dose Finding for Cytostatic Agents in Phase I Oncology Trials. STAT MED. 2013-02-01.
16. 姜丹丹,白志东,郑术蓉. Testing the independence of sets of large-dimensional variables. Science China Mathematics. 2013-01-01.
17. 郑术蓉,史宁中,张正军. Generalized Measures of Correlation for Asymmetry, Nonlinearity,and Beyond. J AM STAT ASSOC. 2012-10-01.
18. 郑术蓉,郭建华,史宁中,Tianguoliang. Likelihood-based approaches for multivariate linear models under inequality constraints for incomplete data. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2012-05-01.
19. 郑术蓉. Central Limit Theorems for Linear Spectral Statistics of Large Dimensional F-Matrices. ANN I H POINCARE-PR. 2012-04-01.
20. G.S.Shieh,郑术蓉,R.A.Johnson,Y.F.Chang,K.Shimuzu,C.C.Wang,S.L.Tang. Modeling and comparing the organization of circular genomes. BIOINFORMATICS. 2011-01-01.
21. 郑术蓉,史宁中,马文卿. Statistical inference on difference or ratio of means from heteroscedastic normal populations. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2010-05-01.
22. 白志东,姜丹丹,Jian-fengyao,郑术蓉. Corrections to LRT on Large-dimensional Covariance Matrix by RMT. ANN STAT. 2009-11-01.
23. 白志东,郑术蓉,张宝学,胡果荣. Statistical Analysis for Rounded Data. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2009-08-01.
24. 白志东,郑术蓉. Future of Statistics. RANDOM MATRIX THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS:Multivariate Statistics and Wireless Communications. 2009-08-01.
25. 史宁中,赖民,郑术蓉,张宝学. Optimal algorithms and intuitive explanations for Markowitzs portfolio selection model and Sharpes ratio with no short-selling. SCI CHINA SER A. 2008-11-01.
26. 郑术蓉. Selection of components and degrees of smoothing via lasso in high dimensional nonparametric additive models. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2008-09-01.
27. 白志东,郑术蓉. Large Dimensional Data Analysis with Applications of Random Matrix Theory. The 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians(ICCM2007). 2007-12-01.
28. 郑术蓉,史宁中,郭建华. The restricted EM algorithm under linear inequalities in a linear model with missing data. SCI CHINA SER A. 2005-06-01.
29. 陈泽华,郑术蓉. Lifetime Distribution Based Degradation Analysis. IEEE T RELIAB. 2005-03-15.
30. 郑术蓉,史宁中,郭建华. 含缺失数据线性模型的线性不等式约束EM算法. 中国科学A辑. 2005-02-15.
31. 史宁中,郑术蓉,郭建华. The restricted EM algorithm under inequality restrictions on the parameters. J MULTIVARIATE ANAL. 2005-01-15.
32. 史宁中,郑术蓉. The maximum likelihood estimates of expected frequencies under the loop order. STAT SINICA. 2004-10-20.
33. 郑术蓉,马文卿. Test of safety under unequal variances in toxicological studies. 东北数学. 2003-02-02.
2. 刘忠颖,刘柏森,郑术蓉,史宁中. Simultaneous testing of mean vector and covariance matrix for high-dimensional data. J STAT PLAN INFER(188卷82-93页). 2017-09-01.
3. 郑术蓉,白志东,姚建峰. CLT for eigenvalue statistics of large-dimensional general Fisher matrices with applications. BERNOULLI(23卷2期1130-1178页). 2017-05-01.
4. RuitaoLin,刘忠颖,郑术蓉,GuoshengYin. Power computation for hypothesis testing with high-dimensional covariance matrices. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2016-12-01.
5. 许林,王友亁,郑术蓉,史宁中. Model selection with misspecified spatial covariance structure. J STAT COMPUT SIM. 2015-10-01.
6. 郑术蓉,白志东,JianfengYao. CLT for linear spectral statistics of a rescaled sample precision matrix. RANDOM MATRICES-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 2015-09-01.
8. 邱红兵,罗季,郑术蓉. On Bayes Linear Unbiased Estimator under the balanced Loss Function. COMMUN STAT-THEOR M. 2014-11-01.
9. 苏志刚,郑术蓉,王培红. Likelihood-based multivariate fuzzy model with linear inequality constraints. J INTELL FUZZY SYST. 2014-10-01.
10. 许林,刘柏森,郑术蓉,包少堃. Testing Proportionality of Two Large-dimensional Covariance Matrices. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2014-10-01.
11. 刘柏森,许林,郑术蓉,Guo-liangTian. A New Test for the Proportionality of Two Large-dimensional Covariance Matrices. J MULTIVARIATE ANAL. 2014-10-01.
12. 郑术蓉,姜丹丹,白志东,何旭铭. Inference on multiple correlation coefficients with moderately high dimensional data. BIOMETRIKA. 2014-09-01.
13. 白志东,姜丹丹,姚剑峰,郑术蓉. Testing Linear Hypotheses in High-Dimensional Regressions. STATISTICS. 2013-11-01.
14. GuoshengYin,郑术蓉,JiajingXu. Fractional Dose-finding methods with Late-onset Toxicity in Phase I Clinical Trials. J BIOPHARM STAT. 2013-11-01.
15. GuoshengYin,郑术蓉,JiajingXu. Two-Stage Dose Finding for Cytostatic Agents in Phase I Oncology Trials. STAT MED. 2013-02-01.
16. 姜丹丹,白志东,郑术蓉. Testing the independence of sets of large-dimensional variables. Science China Mathematics. 2013-01-01.
17. 郑术蓉,史宁中,张正军. Generalized Measures of Correlation for Asymmetry, Nonlinearity,and Beyond. J AM STAT ASSOC. 2012-10-01.
18. 郑术蓉,郭建华,史宁中,Tianguoliang. Likelihood-based approaches for multivariate linear models under inequality constraints for incomplete data. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2012-05-01.
19. 郑术蓉. Central Limit Theorems for Linear Spectral Statistics of Large Dimensional F-Matrices. ANN I H POINCARE-PR. 2012-04-01.
20. G.S.Shieh,郑术蓉,R.A.Johnson,Y.F.Chang,K.Shimuzu,C.C.Wang,S.L.Tang. Modeling and comparing the organization of circular genomes. BIOINFORMATICS. 2011-01-01.
21. 郑术蓉,史宁中,马文卿. Statistical inference on difference or ratio of means from heteroscedastic normal populations. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2010-05-01.
22. 白志东,姜丹丹,Jian-fengyao,郑术蓉. Corrections to LRT on Large-dimensional Covariance Matrix by RMT. ANN STAT. 2009-11-01.
23. 白志东,郑术蓉,张宝学,胡果荣. Statistical Analysis for Rounded Data. J STAT PLAN INFER. 2009-08-01.
24. 白志东,郑术蓉. Future of Statistics. RANDOM MATRIX THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS:Multivariate Statistics and Wireless Communications. 2009-08-01.
25. 史宁中,赖民,郑术蓉,张宝学. Optimal algorithms and intuitive explanations for Markowitzs portfolio selection model and Sharpes ratio with no short-selling. SCI CHINA SER A. 2008-11-01.
26. 郑术蓉. Selection of components and degrees of smoothing via lasso in high dimensional nonparametric additive models. COMPUT STAT DATA AN. 2008-09-01.
27. 白志东,郑术蓉. Large Dimensional Data Analysis with Applications of Random Matrix Theory. The 4th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians(ICCM2007). 2007-12-01.
28. 郑术蓉,史宁中,郭建华. The restricted EM algorithm under linear inequalities in a linear model with missing data. SCI CHINA SER A. 2005-06-01.
29. 陈泽华,郑术蓉. Lifetime Distribution Based Degradation Analysis. IEEE T RELIAB. 2005-03-15.
30. 郑术蓉,史宁中,郭建华. 含缺失数据线性模型的线性不等式约束EM算法. 中国科学A辑. 2005-02-15.
31. 史宁中,郑术蓉,郭建华. The restricted EM algorithm under inequality restrictions on the parameters. J MULTIVARIATE ANAL. 2005-01-15.
32. 史宁中,郑术蓉. The maximum likelihood estimates of expected frequencies under the loop order. STAT SINICA. 2004-10-20.
33. 郑术蓉,马文卿. Test of safety under unequal variances in toxicological studies. 东北数学. 2003-02-02.
版权所有:东北师范大学数学与统计学院 系统开发:π工作室